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Hanimex Praktica TL
Praktica PL nova I Cavalier SLR-II Hanimex Praktica nova I Praktica PL nova I cut model Praktica PL nova IB Pentor IB Hanimex Praktica PL nova IB Porst FX 4 Praktica PL electronic Praktica PL electronic - cut model Praktica super TL Praktica super TL black Pentor super TL Pentor super TL Cavalier STL-I Hanimex Praktica super TL Hanimex Praktica TL Hanimex Pro TL Porst Reflex FX 6 Porst Reflex FX 6 black Revueflex SL


Hanimex Praktica TL
Producer data
Producer Kombinat VEB Pentacon Dresden responsible constructor Herbert Welzel
production period 1969 to 1975 no of produced cameras as a part of Praktica super TL-series (508,656)
Technical properties of the camera
shutter type mechanically controlled horizontal-run rubberised cloth-blind type shutter exposure time
(possible settings)
B, 1/1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/15 1/30, 1/60, 1/125, 1/250,1/500
view finder fixed eye-level view finder (Pentaprism) with Fresnel lens and microprism range finder as focusing screen, built-in shutter speed meter mirror instant-return mirror
film transport / frame counter quick-release lever, Pentacon Loading-System, fold-out rewind crank lens mount M42x1
self timer none battery VARTA V 625
metering system TTL-exposure meter using CdS-photoresistor (cadmium sulphide)  used with a innovative beam-splitter in the pentaprism using stopped-down metering flash system X- and F-synchronisation with two flash coaxial sockets at the bottom of the front  of the camera body
flash indication none aperture reflection into view finder none
general comments
bulletHanimex-version of Praktica super TL 
collection data
Hummel-No 166 Kadlubek-No. HAX 0752
body no. 7993 lens no. 4015058.
lens type Meyer-Optik Goerlitz Oreston 1.8/50 purchase price 110€



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Stand: 10. April 2010