Praktiflex, Praktica etc. -- Single-lens reflex camerasThe following pages consists on the cameras of my collection. The description of the different camera generations based on the specifications/descriptions of Richard Hummel (Hummel 1994). These pages include the different Praktica-generations and some precursor models, for example the Praktiflex models, the Contax-SLR, the Pentacon models, the Praktina cameras,... The cameras were all from the Dresdner camera industry and comes from many companies which were finally concentrated in the Pentacon group. The first Praktica was developed by Siegfried Böhm in 1948 under the pressure of the russian military administration. These camera has some new technical details, compared to the Praktiflex. These details were:
During the following years many companies from the camera industrie aggregate to the Kombinat VEB Pentacon Dresden which was finally formed in 1968. assembly line 1965 Beneath other products, for example Exakta, Exa or Pentacon Six, the Praktica cameras were the most important product of the camera industry of the urban area of Dresden.
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